CRIMINAL DEFENSE IN LUBBOCK Available 24/7 to Fight for You 806-370-3750

Facing Drug Crime Charges?

Guidance from a Premier Criminal Lawyer

Lubbock Drug Crimes

Drug Possession Lawyer in Lubbock – Call (806) 370-3750

Have you been arrested and charged with a drug crime in Lubbock? A drug crime conviction could lead to hefty fines and lengthy prison sentences, not to mention it will leave a mark on your criminal record. The state of Texas can be very tough on drug-related offenses, even for individuals who have had no previous convictions or arrests.

If you are stuck in a dire situation, then it could greatly enhance your chances of success if you speak with an experienced and aggressive Lubbock drug defense lawyer. The legal advocate from Michael P. LeMond, Attorney at Law, has successfully handled drug offenses and could be able to effectively defend you and uphold your rights.

Need a lawyer for drug charges in Lubbock? Attorney Michael P. LeMond is a tough criminal defender who prides himself on taking on cases and obtaining results. Criminal defense is what he does on a daily basis and he is highly adept in all the legal tactics and strategies that can help you beat your drug charges.

No matter how serious your criminal charges may be, Michael LeMond will work diligently to either lessen the impact of the charge by seeking a reduction or full dismissal of your charges.

Mr. LeMond has experience handling cases involving many types of controlled substances, including but not limited to the following:

  • Ecstasy
  • Heroin
  • Cocaine
  • Prescription drugs
  • Mushrooms
  • Methamphetamines

Serious Representation for Serious Crimes

Searching for a lawyer for a drug charge in Lubbock? Attorney Michael LeMond is well-versed in Texas drug crime laws and he can explain your rights and options to you so you can make an informed decision of how to move forward. If you are considering pleading guilty, you must first think about the long-term consequences.

A drug conviction will stay with you forever and could have a negative impact on your career, family life, reputation, and future. With a criminal record hanging over you, many great opportunities may pass you by just out of reach. Don’t jeopardize your future; take swift legal action to fight your charges.

Mr. LeMond has successfully defended against a wide variety of drug crimes including:

  • Drug Manufacturing

  • Drug Distribution

  • Drug Possession

  • Drug Possession with Intent to Sell

  • Drug Trafficking

  • Possessing a firearm while also possessing controlled substances

Conspiring to Commit a Drug Crime

Texas drug crime penalties may vary depending on whether or not you have criminal history. The prosecution will also be looking to see what type of drug was involved and the amount of drugs involved in the case. Michael P. LeMond is not afraid to challenge the prosecution. He can call the drug evidence into question by thoroughly reviewing your case and ensuring that no evidence was collected in a manner that violates your constitutional rights.

He can also ensure that they did not force you to confess, search your home without a warrant, or conduct an illegal search and seizure of the evidence. If police officials secured any of the evidence illegally, then Attorney LeMond can work to have that evidence thrown out and your charges dismissed.

If you have been arrested for possession, trafficking or drug distribution, you are probably wondering if you will have to go to jail, serve probation, pay a fine or attend a treatment program. It is natural to have questions and the Lubbock drug crimes lawyer at the firm has all the answers you are looking for.

Attorney Michael LeMond prides himself on keeping open and honest communication with his clients, so that you understand every stage of your case. Call Michael P. LeMond, Attorney at Law today at (806) 370-3750 to schedule your free case evaluation.

Contact Lubbock defense lawyer Michael P. LeMond today if you have been charged with a crime in Lubbock.

Criminal Defense



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