CRIMINAL DEFENSE IN LUBBOCK Available 24/7 to Fight for You 806-370-3750

Strong Criminal Defense on Your Side

Guidance from a Premier Criminal Lawyer

Criminal Lawyer Lubbock, Texas

Charged with a Crime in Lubbock/ Northwest Texas?

When you have been accused of a criminal offense, you must take the time to consider the impact that a conviction will have on your future goals and freedoms. Many criminal charges result in stiff penalties such as jail or prison time for those who are convicted, and you cannot afford to be without the strong defense that a Lubbock criminal lawyer can provide at this time in your life.

You need a legal advocate who is intimately familiar with the local courts in Lubbock and the surrounding counties, and you need someone who is prepared to fight hard for you. Call Attorney Michael P. LeMond today at (806) 370-3750!

The Defense Process: You Deserve a Voice

In criminal prosecutions under state law, a defendant may raise a defense in an attempt to avoid being held liable for whatever offense he or she may have been accused of committing. There are numerous ways in which to build a successful defense against criminal allegations, including factual innocence as well as lawful excuse.

Additionally, a defendant may challenge criminal charges on the grounds that the prosecution does not have enough evidence to secure a conviction – to prove that the defendant committed the crime beyond a shadow of a doubt. Challenging evidence may be done by proving the evidence itself is faulty or that the manner in which it was collected and/or processed was in violation of the defendant’s rights or standard procedure.

Criminal defense is essential to keeping the criminal justice system in America balanced. If a defendant had no right to legal counsel and no right to raise a defense in this way, people would be convicted of crimes left and right. We would have to rely upon law enforcement personnel, prosecutors, and all court personnel to never make a mistake or never have a lapse in judgment. That is just too much to ask from people who are, after all, only human.

It is necessary to offer a defendant, accused of any crime from DWI all the way to murder, the opportunity at challenging these allegations and avoiding a conviction. Because there are always cases where a person is wrongfully accused and may face imprisonment or worse without criminal defense.

Crimes We Defend in Lubbock

Choose an Attorney Who Is Experienced in Serious Crimes

Searching for an attorney for a criminal case in west Texas? You can find all of this and more when you contact The Fighter Attorney, Michael P. LeMond about your criminal case. Attorney Michael P. LeMond has earned a reputation in Lubbock for providing his clients with hard-hitting defense that holds up in court against even the most serious charges. He understands the legal intricacies of the criminal process and can build a compelling defense on your behalf regardless of the circumstances that led to your arrest.

Common Defenses Against Criminal Charges

Most people are not fully prepared for what will happen in the wake of a criminal accusation and are left feeling isolated, frightened and overwhelmed by the legalities that they are now facing. If you are caught in the wake of something of this nature, your entire future may be at stake; it is simply not the time to be content with the clumsy mistakes made by inexperienced attorneys.

Law enforcement and the prosecuting attorney are dedicated to getting a conviction in your criminal case. It is critical to have a skilled criminal defense lawyer fighting for your side who knows how to present the most effective and persuasive defenses.

Attorney Michael LeMond knows how to do just that. If you or someone you know has been accused of a crime, do not hesitate to seek out representation by calling 806-370-3750 today!

Illegal Searches

If the police conduct a search and seizure that violates your constitutional rights, the court must dismiss the case. Mere suspicion is insufficient for an officer to search you or your car; they must possess some form of evidence as probable cause or a valid warrant for any drugs found to be used in court. The Fighter Attorney, Michael P. LeMond, always assesses the legality of drug seizures. It’s crucial to have a skilled criminal defense lawyer on your side who knows how to present effective and persuasive defenses.

Technical Defenses

If the police fail to properly document the chain of custody for drugs seized I will expose this flaw and get the case dismissed.


Often, the police use a paid informant or undercover officer who claims to have observed a person selling drugs to another person. I have experience challenging the credibility of police informants. I expose their criminal records and make sure the court knows the true motives behind their testimony.

Aggressive Negotiation

If you’re guilty and the evidence is against you, aggressive mitigation and negotiation may be your best choice. My experience provides me with a deep understanding of the various factors that can lead a prosecutor to consider negotiating a case instead of going to trial.

Challenging DNA Evidence

DNA profiling is a technique employed by forensic scientists to assist in the identification of individuals on the basis of their respective DNA profiles. DNA evidence is often hailed as unquestionable proof of the circumstances of an alleged criminal event. The science however is only as reliable as the people who employ the technique. Often there are problems with the collection, analysis, and conclusions of the test results.

Contact a Lubbock Criminal Lawyer

Need an attorney for a criminal case in Lubbock? In order to achieve the best outcome for your criminal charges, you must contact Attorney Michael P. LeMond soon after you learn about your charges. He will review your situation thoroughly and examine the evidence brought against you to uncover any flaws or inconsistencies that are present.

Contact Lubbock defense lawyer Michael P. LeMond today if you have been charged with a crime in Lubbock.

Criminal Defense



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