CRIMINAL DEFENSE IN LUBBOCK Available 24/7 to Fight for You 806-370-3750

Are you facing criminal charges?

Let a Trial Attorney Handle Your Criminal Defense Case.

Michael P. LeMond has a reputation for providing his clients with hard-hitting legal defense against even the most harrowing of charges and has proven that he is a true advocate for the rights of the accused. When your future is on the line, you simply cannot be satisfied with subpar legal assistance. Contact the firm today for a free, initial consultation. Any details you provide in our meeting are kept in full confidentiality. Contact us now for the help you deserve!

Get In Touch

We’re available to answer your questions 24/7.

How to Reach Us

(806) 370-3750

820 Buddy Holly Ave Ste 6
Lubbock, TX 79401


11 + 9 =

The Fighter Attorney

1409 19th St, Suite 101
Lubbock, TX 79401