CRIMINAL DEFENSE IN LUBBOCK Available 24/7 to Fight for You 806-370-3750

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Guidance from a Premier Criminal Lawyer

Frequently Asked Questions

The laws in Texas can be harsh and unforgiving toward alleged criminal offenders. That is why it is so vital that you obtain aggressive legal representation. Extensively experienced with criminal law, Mr. LeMond provides hard-hitting defense you can trust. He can help you challenge the prosecution and fight to have your charges reduced or dismissed altogether.

Read these questions and answers to learn more about criminal charges and how our defense attorney can protect your rights. Contact a Lubbock criminal defense attorney to learn more about these criminal charges and how The Fighter Attorney, Michael P. LeMond can help protect your rights!

I was arrested and charged with a crime I didn't commit. What should I do?

Even though one is “innocent until proven guilty” this does not mean that innocent individuals don’t get convicted of crimes they did not commit. It is crucial to your future that you immediately get legal representation from a Lubbock criminal defense attorney to fight for your defense.

Why do I need an attorney?

When dealing with the court system, you need legal representation that is determined to protect your rights and fight for your defense. When you have The Fighter Attorney, Michael P. LeMond, your best interests are the top priority every step of the way.

I am being investigated for a crime. What should I do?

When facing an investigation for a crime, it’s crucial to seek qualified legal representation promptly. Do not answer questions from anyone until you’ve contacted an attorney like The Fighter Attorney. Remember, what you share with investigators can be used against you in court.

I was arrested for DWI. Should I just plead guilty?

In any DWI case, it’s vital to have legal representation. Errors in testing equipment, handling of evidence, and errors in reporting do happen, which could mean you weren’t guilty of the crime. Make sure you protect yourself by hiring The Fighter Attorney, Michael P. LeMond.

Can a police officer search me, my car and my home whenever and wherever he wants?

A police officer can always search you if: (1) you give permission or (2) they have a warrant based on probable cause. Specific rules apply to body searches, car searches, and searches of your home.

Evidence was taken from my home without a search warrant. Isn’t this illegal? Can the case against me be dismissed?

If evidence was obtained in violation of your constitutional rights, usually, the law requires the Court to disregard that evidence. Your lawyer will have to file a motion to suppress to ensure the prosecutor can’t use such evidence against you.

What happens if the police didn't read my rights to me?

Police must inform you of your rights before they start any custodial interrogation. If they get an incriminating statement from you without reading those rights, the statements should be suppressed.

After my arrest, I was told that I must appear at an arraignment and a preliminary hearing. Are these the same thing?

No, they are not the same. At the arraignment, the judge who will simply tell you officially of the charges, set bail, and ask if you want to hire a lawyer of your choosing. At a preliminary hearing, the District Court will conduct a condensed version of the trial in your case. The State Attorney must establish that there is probable cause to proceed with the charges. The preliminary hearing is your lawyer’s first significant chance to view the government’s evidence against you.

What can Attorney Michael P. LeMond help me with?

Lubbock criminal defense attorney Michael P. LeMond can assist you with any of the following types of crime charges including:

  • DWI
  • Multiple DWI
  • Drug Possession
  • Drug Distribution
  • Assault & Battery
  • Weapon Charges
  • Theft Offenses
  • Domestic Violence
  • Probation Violations
  • Sex Crimes
  • Traffic Offenses
  • White Collar Crimes
  • Violent Crimes
  • Murder/Manslaughter
What is BAC?

BAC stands for blood alcohol concentration. In Texas, it’s against the law to drive a motor vehicle if your BAC is .08% or higher. If a law enforcement agent tests and finds your BAC to be .08% or higher through a breath or blood test, you’ll be arrested and charged with DWI. The Fighter Attorney, Michael P. LeMond, can assist you. He has effectively defended many individuals facing alcohol-related offenses.

What if I have been falsely accused?

It’s even more crucial to talk to a lawyer if you’ve been falsely accused. Lubbock criminal defense lawyer The Fighter Attorney, Michael P. LeMond, will work with you to protect your reputation and dignity during your criminal case. There’s nothing worse than being in prison for a crime you didn’t do. You owe it to yourself and your family to seek skilled and assertive legal representation.

I have been charged with a DWI. Is there any chance that I can get the charges dropped?

In any criminal charge, with a thorough investigation of the evidence against you, this is a possibility. Cases are dismissed when the defense attorney looks through the details of how the evidence against the accused was collected. In DWI cases, there often are options, including a reduced charge. In any Lubbock DWI or other criminal charge, it is crucial that you contact a Lubbock criminal defense attorney immediately after being charged or arrested. The Fight Attorney, Michael LeMond, is dedicated to fighting for you in such a case and has a successful history of defending clients in DWI defenses.

Contact us today

How to reach us


820 Buddy Holly Avenue, Ste. 6
Lubbock, TX 79401

The Fighter Attorney

820 Buddy Holly Ave Ste 6
Lubbock, TX 79401



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