CRIMINAL DEFENSE IN LUBBOCK Available 24/7 to Fight for You 806-370-3750

Charged with a Violent Crime?

Guidance from a Premier Criminal Lawyer

Lubbock Violent Crime

Fighting Violent Crime Charges in Lubbock

If you find yourself charged with a violent crime, you need to locate a Lubbock criminal attorney without delay. Violent crime offenses can get you some of the most serious penalties of any type of crime in Texas. Law enforcement and the district attorney will be working relentlessly to convict you and have you incarcerated. They very likely have decided that you belong in prison for the crime that they believe you committed. It is vital that you choose a seasoned, experienced criminal defense attorney to be by your side fighting for you.

Lubbock Attorney Michael P. LeMond is a qualified and skilled defense and trial lawyer. If you are facing any of the following violent crime charges, you will benefit from the assistance of The Fighter Attorney, Michael P. LeMond:

  • Murder
  • Manslaughter
  • Rape
  • Assault
  • Battery
  • Vehicular Manslaughter
  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Battery

Need a lawyer for violent crimes in Lubbock?

The above are all very serious charges. If convicted, the penalties can change your life forever. Your future is at stake, so do not take chances. Contact Attorney Michael P. LeMond immediately to have him review and evaluate your case. With the services of a skilled criminal defense lawyer you stand a much-increased chance of a better outcome in your case. Time is an important factor in any violent crime charge.

In order to defend you properly, evidence may need to be obtained other than the evidence gathered by law enforcement. With the passage of time, such evidence and witness testimony can become harder to find. Therefore, do not put off contacting the office of criminal defense Attorney Michael P. LeMond if you are facing any violent crime charges in Lubbock.

Contact Michael P. LeMond when you need a quality criminal defense attorney on your side to aggressively fight for you.

Criminal Defense



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