CRIMINAL DEFENSE IN LUBBOCK Available 24/7 to Fight for You 806-370-3750


Guidance from a Premier Criminal Lawyer

Lubbock Theft

Theft Charges in Lubbock, TX

When arrested and charged with any type of theft offense, the repercussions if convicted are serious. Depending on the type of theft charge, your penalty may include jail/prison time, restitution and community service. If you have been charged with such a crime, it is crucial that you contact a Lubbock criminal defense attorney immediately. Facing criminal charges without a skilled criminal defense attorney can be a mistake you regret. At the office of Michael P. LeMond, Attorney at Law, the legal team is familiar with defending all types of theft offense cases, including the following:

  • Embezzlement
  • Fraud
  • Credit card offenses
  • Identity theft
  • Shoplifting
  • Forgery
  • Auto theft
  • Robbery
  • Burglary

Theft Lawyer Serving Lubbock

Need a lawyer for a theft case in Lubbock? Each type of theft crime has specific penalties. When you are dealing with such a charge, it is critical that you have a criminal defense lawyer with experience, skill and proven abilities in the courtroom. Attorney Michael P. LeMond has is background as a trial attorney and knows full well how to operate when facing a judge and jury. The ability of your defense lawyer is extremely important in any criminal charge, and you can rest assured that you will be well-represented by the legal team at The Fighter Attorney, Michael P. LeMond.

Contact a Lubbock theft attorney at Michael P. LeMond, Attorney at Law today if you seek high-quality legal representation for your defense.

Criminal Defense



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