CRIMINAL DEFENSE IN LUBBOCK Available 24/7 to Fight for You 806-370-3750


Guidance from a Premier Criminal Lawyer

Lubbock Sex CrimeS

As is common knowledge, in our society today sex crimes are viewed in an extremely negative way. Merely being accused, never mind arrested, for a sex crime will find you dealing with extreme suspicion not only from the general public, but even from family and friends. Regardless of the truism that you are innocent until proven guilty, this is often not the case with this type of accusation.

Law enforcement views this type of crime very unfavorably and will pursue conviction relentlessly. Every aspect of your life will come under scrutiny in order for them to build a case against you. Penalties for sex offenses are severe in Texas, it is therefore imperative that you contact a Lubbock criminal defense attorney if you have been charged with this crime.

Contact a Committed Lubbock Criminal Defense Lawyer

Need a lawyer for a sex crime case in Lubbock? Defense Attorney Michael P. LeMond is an experienced veteran in criminal defense cases. With his background in defending clients, he is a qualified Lubbock criminal defense lawyer who knows his way around a courtroom. Attorney LeMond can assist you in defending yourself against these very serious charges, including bringing a compelling defense at trial should it be necessary.

Some of the sex crimes that Attorney LeMond can assist you with include:

  • Indecent exposure
  • Pandering
  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual battery
  • Lewd & Lascivious conduct
  • Possession of child pornography
  • Prostitution

Need an attorney for sex crimes in Lubbock?

If you’re charged with a crime while in college, it could seriously impact your future. Criminal records can hinder your chances of landing future jobs, and you could also face expulsion from Texas Tech University, which could affect your chances of gaining admission to other schools.

It is imperative you do not take any chances if you have been charged with a sex crime. You should contact defense Attorney Michael P. LeMond immediately to review the charges against you. Should you not take the proper steps to protect yourself with the help of a skilled defense attorney, you are taking a very big risk. Contact Attorney LeMond now to discuss your case with you in a free initial case evaluation. Lubbock criminal defense lawyer Michael P. LeMond has the skill, experience and knowledge to vigorously defend you.

Contact Michael P. LeMond if you have been charged with any sex crime. These crime charges require a skilled criminal defense attorney to protect your rights.

Criminal Defense



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