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Lubbock DWI

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If you have been arrested and charged with a DWI in Lubbock, you are in serious trouble. These charges are not taken lightly in Texas, and the penalties reflect it. If you are convicted, you may spend time in jail, have to deal with expensive fines, community service and mandated treatment programs.

Getting arrested is a humiliating, scary, and unpredictable experience, and being subject to the judicial system is not where you’d want to find yourself. Regrettably, this is just the start, and the case must be resolved before you can return to the comfort of your own home.

One important thing to remember is that even if you have been arrested, the law states that you are innocent until proven guilty. However, there are times when drivers are wrongfully accused of drunk driving and they are punished for something they didn’t do.

If you are facing a DWI charge, time is of the essence and it is vital that you contact an experienced lawyer immediately after your arrest. Speak with a Lubbock attorney today to represent you in your DWI case.

Contact us today for a free consultation!

Avoid License Suspension After Your DWI Arrest

Any DWI charge is a serious legal problem. A conviction can result in the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license, among other penalties. You only have a certain number of days before your license is automatically suspended. When you lose the legal right to drive, this can affect your ability to get to work and the many other normal daily activities.

Typically, after a DWI arrest you only have about two months before your set court date and you need all the time you can get to prepare. In order to avoid a drunk driving conviction, it is vital that you are familiar with the DWI process and that you understand your rights under the law.

The Texas DWI process

When the police conduct the standard field sobriety tests, or a chemical blood or breath test to determine your sobriety, they will put you under arrest if you are found to be over the legal limit. At that time, they will read you your Miranda rights which inform you of your right to remain silent and your right to an attorney. It is very important that you exercise these civil rights because anything that you say while in custody can be held against you as evidence in court.

Law enforcement will then place you in the back of the police vehicle and take you down to the police station. They will end up towing your vehicle, unless there was a sober licensed driver in the vehicle that can drive home. While in police custody, you will be under constant observation and your statements may be recorded. This is why you should avoid talking about your case and you definitely should avoid admitting guilt.

If you are convicted you could lose your license, face incarceration and pay hefty fines. The courts do not look the other way when it comes to drunk driving offenders, which is why you must protect yourself from the tough prosecution. A qualified Lubbock DWI lawyer can investigate your charges, collect evidence, pinpoint errors or violations of your rights, question witnesses, and challenge the validity of the sobriety test results.

It is also wise to obtain a copy of the original police report to keep for your own records. That document could shed light on the incident and help dismantle the prosecutor’s case. During your DWI case, be sure to remain polite with the police officers. Even though they may be wrong in their reasoning, being rude and argumentative towards them can only diminish your chances of an acquittal or dismissal.

Legal Defenses for a DWI Charge

When DWI cases come across the desk of Attorney Michael P. LeMond, each case is treated with the priority it deserves. Your case will be thoroughly reviewed to determine how best to move forward with your defense. Every effort will be made to get the case against you dismissed. In some cases, the charges may be reduced.

In most DWI arrests, certain tests are administered to the individual. As these tests are not 100% accurate, it may be possible to challenge the results of the tests in court. With a skilled and experienced Lubbock DWI attorney working to protect your rights, you can increase the possibility of a better outcome on any DWI charge. When you have an earlier DWI conviction on your record, it becomes even more critical that you have experienced legal representation fighting for you. Attorney Michael P. LeMond is very experienced in dealing with all types of DWI charges and will aggressively fight for your defense.

Criminal Defense



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